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Multi-Runbook Dashboard Overview

Learn how to access your multi-runbook dashboard.

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Written by Cutover Documentation Team
Updated over a month ago

The multi-runbook dashboard provides a real-time view of all your runbooks within Cutover. With the multi-runbook dashboard, you can better understand the status and distribution of tasks and runbooks within a workspace.


The multi-runbook dashboard provides real-time visual status of all your runbooks within Cutover. The multi-runbook dashboard can be used to:

  • Monitor progress across your organization

  • Identify items that require immediate attention

  • Continuously improve your internal processes

  • Manage templated plans

  • Customize your view

A multi-runbook dashboard is created at the workspace level and consists of several distinct components, providing various ways to track progress and identify potential problem areas.

The dashboard can be scheduled to automatically refresh at desired intervals. In addition, you have the ability to schedule email updates to teams and individuals where users can click a link that will take them directly to the dashboard. Emails can be sent one at a time or can be scheduled on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

Access your multi-runbook dashboard

The multi-runbook dashboard is available for all users who have the Read Only role (at minimum) within the workspace, as well as those who have access to view and manage runbooks.

To access your dashboard, click the dashboard icon located underneath your workspace name:

You can filter your dashboard at any time to view a breakdown of the information provided — this includes any custom fields.

Dashboard components

Below is a breakdown of the components within your multi-runbook dashboard. Within each component of your dashboard, you can click the details on the right-hand side to view further information.


View data of all runbooks in a workspace categorized by lateness in their planned schedule. You have the ability to customize and better define lateness according to your or your team's standards.

Note: If a runbook isn't live, it will not factor into the lateness or appear in the statistics of this dashboard.

RAG Status

View the RAG status of runbooks in your workspace — the number shown indicates the total number of runbooks in your workspace.

Rehearsal Count

This count shows how many runbook rehearsals have been completed.

Runbook Size Summary

This summary provides an overview of the size of runbooks in your workspace.

Runbook Stage Summary

View which runbooks are canceled, completed a live run, are actively in a live run, and more.

Runbook Split, by Folder

View runbooks based on how they are distributed across folders, runbook types, or teams.

Runbook Completion

View the breakdown of runbooks by folder, event, runbook type, or team. The chart will show the number of runbooks in each folder, in addition to details on what stage the runbook is in. The number of runbooks with a particular RAG status is also included.

Runbook List

Drill down on particular runbooks — similar to the runbook completion component, this displays RAG status, runbook name, start times, and runbook stage by percent. This component can be used alongside other runbook filters.

Completion by Runbook Count

This count provides a way to offset two variables against one another. This may be useful for understanding the completion of particular runbook types across folders, for example. Variables that can be set include folder, runbook type, and team.

Runbook Volume Over Time

This component is useful for gaining an understanding of your runbook's busy periods. It can be configured to gain more insight into runbooks across folders, and teams. Clicking on a particular date will display runbooks scheduled for that day. Alternatively, clicking on a grouping will display all runbooks in that group.

Task Split

View the various task types used across runbooks. This chart can also be configured to view tasks split by level, stream, team, or test result. User filters to further break down the data in this component.

Task Stage Summary

This summary provides a breakdown of task stages across all runbooks in your workspace, illustrated by the total number of tasks in all runbooks. Task statistics are not clickable at this time.

Task Completion

This graph highlights the percentage of task completeness by a chosen variable. Those variables can be set up to include task type, level, stream, team, and test result. To note, task components cannot be clicked on for more detail at this time.

Stream Completion

The Stream Completion chart highlights the percentage of stream completeness by a chosen variable across runbooks. These variables can be set up to include teams and streams. Hover over any coloured stage to see the number of runbooks, and click on a stage to view and access the related runbooks.

RTO Status

You can view your RTO/RTA analytics using the chart available on the Multi-runbook dashboard.

This dashboard shows the status of RTO calculations.

Pass - The RTO calculations is a Pass

Pending - This is currently in execution

Invalid - If Cutover does not understand the time value whilst using the Choose Field option, the RTO would be marked as invalid but RTA will continue to be calculated.

Fail - The RTO calculation is a Fail

Alternative dashboards

Additional dashboards are available; more information can be found on these below:

Average runbook duration, over time - Use this dashboard to understand the average time it takes to run a filtered set of runbooks and how that is changing over time.

Average runbook duration - Use this dashboard to understand the average time it takes to run a filtered set of runbooks.

Completed live runs count by runbook type, over time - Use this dashboard to understand a breakdown of completed runbooks in the last six months.

Longest duration runbooks - Use this dashboard to see the runbooks with the longest duration that have taken place over a given timescale.

Longest average task duration - Use this dashboard to understand which tasks takes the longest in an entire release process.

Particular task average duration - Use this dashboard to find out how long a particular part of the release process can take on average.

Share a multi-runbook dashboard

Click Schedule > Add Scheduled Share.

Enter the name of your recipient — a user or team — to share the dashboard with. Enter a message as needed and click +Share Now. To send a test notification first, click + Send Test. In both instances, an email will be sent directly to the recipient.

Show Scheduling Options will reveal additional sharing options: set how often the dashboard is shared and whether the dashboard is sent with saved filters applied.

Note: A dashboard with saved filters applied will only be included if the Saved Filters option is selected. To share with a specific set of saved filters, create a saved view if it doesn't already exist. When sharing the dashboard click Saved Filters > select your saved view before sharing.

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