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Create, Edit, and Archive users

Learn how to create, edit, and archive users in your Cutover instance.

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Written by Cutover Documentation Team
Updated over 8 months ago

Adding and managing users in your Cutover instance allows you to properly allocate team members into proper roles and permissions.

Create users

A Global User Admin or Workspace Manager has the ability to view and create new users within their respective Workspaces. This can be done in the Access Management area.

To do so, click on Access Management on the left-hand menu under the Home menu option.

A create button at the bottom right of the screen displayed as a β€˜+’ icon will enable the invite of new users via completion of a New User form.

Add an individual user

To add a user to the New User form, fill in the user's details with their first and last names and email addresses. You can then choose which role(s) to assign to them.

Hovering over the question mark next to the role gives a brief summary of the role. Select a role by checking the relevant checkbox and then choose the workspace(s) for that role (where applicable).

User roles can either be applied through the New User form or added at a later time.

Depending on how the user has been set up, if the option to send an invite was selected, this will be sent to the new user via email. From there, they can create a profile. The option to resend an invite remains available next to the user's name until they have authenticated. However, two invite reminders will be automatically sent. The default for sending these reminders is set to 3 and 7 days.

If a user has not received the invitation, clicking the Re-send Invite button next to a user's details will resend the invitation.

The email invite will contain a URL link that, once selected, will direct the user to a screen to complete their details for registration on the Cutover platform.

Note: It's possible that invite emails may get caught by inbox filters. If an invite is missing, please check your junk or spam folder. If more than one invitation was sent, only the most recent one will be valid.

Bulk upload a list of users

To upload more than one user, please choose the Bulk upload option in the New User form.

Click on Choose file to search manually for the CSV file required to be uploaded. the CSV file must contain the column headers first_name, last_name and email. Once you have selected your file, add your roles, login options and notification settings (as described in the add an individual user section above and then click Upload.

Note: Bulk uploads only support a single common set of roles. If you need to bulk upload users with different roles, you will need to split these up into different CSV files.

To help with the upload process, please find a user upload CSV template here.

Edit a User

An administrator can edit a user by clicking on their row in the Users table and opening the right-hand panel. This table is searchable by clicking on the search icon and searching by name or email address.

Click on Roles will allow administrators to add or remove roles to the user. Make changes in this panel and then click Save.

Archive users

Global user admin roles can archive users by clicking the "archive" button located at the top right-hand side of the user details pane.

Workspace Managers can remove roles from the workspaces they manage. This can be done by unchecking the box next to the role you wish to remove.

If the user has no other roles in Cutover, they will be archived completely.

If the user has roles in other workspaces, you will not be able to archive them completely but only remove them from your workspace. Their roles will remain in other workspaces.

Note: If you are a workspace manager, you will be unable to view whether a user has a role in multiple workspaces.

If the user is assigned to tasks, runbooks, or events, their name will continue to appear. However, it will be marked as archived.

Note: A Global user admin role can re-invite a user using the same email address and unique id (if one was used), this will reactivate the archived user.

Workspace settings

Administrators can edit workspace details and add workspace roles by clicking the Settings icon > Workspaces. Next, click on the relevant workspace name to open the right-hand panel where edits can be made.

Export a user list

The sortable table of users and their attributes can be downloaded in CSV or excel format by clicking on the three dots located at the top right of the user table.

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