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Navigate Your Cutover Instance

Learn how to navigate your Cutover instance.

Cutover Documentation Team avatar
Written by Cutover Documentation Team
Updated over a month ago

In this article, we'll walk you through the homepage of your Cutover instance.


Within your Cutover instance, you will have access to a variety of workspaces, dashboards, and settings.

It is important to note that access to certain spaces and actions varies depending on your role permissions and access to workspaces, runbooks, and assigned tasks.


On your Cutover Home page, you have access to a high-level view of your workspaces, live and planning runbooks, and active and upcoming tasks:

  1. My Workspaces: View workspaces you are a member of and access the runbooks you have permission to view.

  2. Live and Planning Runbooks: View information regarding live and upcoming runbooks you are associated with.

  3. Active and Upcoming Tasks: View information regarding tasks you are assigned to within any runbook.

Navigation sections

The blue navigation bar on the left-hand side of the homepage will always be visible on any page. Click on the Cutover logo to always return back to your homepage at any time. You can also use this navigation to access other menu options while in different areas of the platform.

Global search bar

Search runbooks, templates, and snippets across all of your workspaces.


Starred runbooks will appear in this area, visible to you only.


All workspaces accessible to you will be listed in this area, in addition to saved views, allowing you to switch between workspaces on any page.


Access your instance settings by clicking the cog icon on the lower left-hand corner of your screen. In your settings, you will be able to update various areas, such as custom fields, runbook types, and more.

Note: Depending on the role(s) you have been assigned, you may not see the “User” or “Settings” icon.

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