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Release Notes

Stay up to date on recent changes and improvements in Cutover.

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Written by Cutover Documentation Team
Updated yesterday

2025.3 release - February 2025


In this release we have the following updates:

Data Sources workspace view: You can now see a centralised and interactive view of your entire application portfolio, clearly indicating which applications have plans, their coverage levels, and associated metadata. Use this view to identify gaps, ensure readiness, and streamline planning.

Note: If you are interested in this feature and would like to learn more, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

Easy homepage access

Click the Cutover logo in the top-left of the platform now takes you to your Cutover homepage.

Ability to view archived runbooks: You can now view archived runbooks without needing to restore them first. The archived runbooks are in a read-only state and if you need to make changes, you must restore the runbook. Please see our Archive runbooks article for further information.

Related Roles: Runbook Admin or any role with read permission on a runbook is able to view an archived runbook.

Note: For all API related updates such as new endpoints, examples and integrations changes, please see our Developer Portal.

Notable Fixes

The listed issues and their solutions are organized based on their potential impact on customers.


Feature area


Replication steps (is applicable)

Authentication errors forces users to re-authenticate


When authentication has already taken place, certain users are being asked to reauthenticate when adding tasks to a runbook or starting a task.

  1. Select an integration action via integration instance settings and via the edit button to ensure that this action has been authenticated.

  2. Create a runbook and add the integration task type

  3. Start the runbook

  4. For a Functional OAuth user, there should be no need to authenticate at the task level, whether on auto start or not. If there is no functional OAuth user, a user with task update permissions can authenticate at the task level.

2025.2 release - February 2025


In this release we have the following updates:

Add failing conditions into the Polling tab

You can now set failure values in the Custom Integration Polling tab to define when a polling integration should fail. This ensures that Polling integrations will stop when a specified condition is met. For more details on this update, please see the Polling tab in our Developer Portal.

Related roles: Integrations Admin

Stream completion component on Multi Runbook Dashboards (MRDs) is now clickable

You can now interact with the Stream Completion component to see the live status of your streams and different runbooks and take action when needed. Hover over any colored stage to see the number of runbooks, and click on a stage to view and access the related runbooks.

Related roles: All roles can see and use this functionality.

Notable Fixes

The listed issues and their solutions are organized based on their potential impact on customers.


Feature Area


Replication steps (if applicable)

Comments are slow to load if there is a large amount


When viewing all runbook comments the functionality is slow to load if there is a large amount.

This has been investigated and is now resolved.

Filtering tasks (using a custom field) with a 0 in the search criteria, also displays tasks with no data


Task filters for custom fields do not display the correct results. When you filter tasks using a custom field and you enter a 0 into the search, then it will display all tasks that have no data too.

1. Create a Custom Field of type "text" and make it display in filters

2. Add 3 tasks in a runbook

  • 1 task with no data in the field

  • 1 task with a 0 in the field

  • 1 task with letters in the field

3. Filters only to show text with a zero in rather than tasks that have the field with a nil value.

2025.1 release - January 2025


In this release we have the following updates:

Changes for teams when importing a CSV file

We’ve made it easier to create new teams or add existing teams when you import a CSV file.

  • Automatic team creation: New teams are now automatically added, along with their related tasks, during the CSV import process. This eliminates the need to manually add teams into the runbook beforehand, saving you time.

  • Linked Central teams: If a team already exists as a central team in the workspace, you can select the option (as shown in the image below) to use the team again during the CSV import. This will create the team as a Linked team within the runbook.

For more details refer to:

Export and Import tasks for information on importing tasks via CSV.

Create Runbook Teams for details on Linked Teams.

Related roles: Runbook Admin

Notable Fixes

The listed issues and their solutions are organized based on their potential impact on customers.


Feature Area


Replication steps (if applicable)

Multiple incorrect template re-review communications are being sent when template runbook type has been changed

Template Workflow

When an Approved Template has its runbook type changed from one that has an advanced review workflow setting to one that does not, it results in users receiving multiple Next Template Review emails on a consistent/weekly basis even after the template was approved.

  1. Create a new runbook and convert it into an approved template (Use a runbook type that has an advanced workflow setting)

  2. After being approved, click the Create new template option

  3. Navigate to Template details then Display Settings and change runbook type to one that does not have advanced workflow setting (excluding basic approval flow)

Parent tasks were not always auto-finish after linked runbooks complete

Linked Runbooks

Parent tasks not finishing automatically after linked runbooks complete, this should now be resolved.

  1. Create a runbook with a linked task

  2. Start a run

  3. Pause and unpause the parent runbook

  4. Start the linked task

  5. Complete the linked runbook

Global Stakeholder could see the Instance Settings option in Cutover


This has now been resolved and the Instance Settings option is no longer visible to Global Stakeholders.

Global Stakeholder was unable to view the integrations page


  1. Set role to Global Stakeholder

  2. Click on Settings

  3. You can view and access the Integrations option

Global User Admins and Global Stakeholders do not see the SAML configuration option in the menu


Global User Admins cannot see the SAML configuration section or manage role mapping

This has now been resolved and is working as expected.

Searchable Custom Fields not showing new attributes after refresh


Searchable Custom Field not updating correctly and showing new attributes added

  1. Refresh the datasource

  2. Add new attribute to the Custom field admin screen

  3. The data will be refreshed and show new changes every 24 hours

2024.16 release - December 2024


In this release we have the following updates:

Ability to lock folder destinations for runbooks and templates

You can now lock runbooks to a folder on creation from a template. This is helpful if you prefer to have all your runbooks created and run in the same location, making it easier for everyone to access the correct runbooks. When creating from a template this helps to ensure the correct destination folder options are available in the duplicate or merge modal.

Key Details:

Folder lock on creation: When creating a runbook from a template with a folder lock, the folder field is read only and cannot be changed.

Duplicating runbooks: The folder lock does not apply when duplicating runbooks, even if they were created from a locked template. You can duplicate runbooks into any folder but cannot move a runbook that was originally created from a locked template.

Merging runbooks: When merging a template to a new runbook, the new runbook will be locked to a folder (same logic as duplicating).

When merging into an existing runbook, the lock does not apply - users can still merge into any runbook, regardless of folder location.

Please see our Create a template or Manage Runbook Details article for further information.

Related roles: Template owner, Runbook creator, Runbook editor, and Runbook admin

Download Audit Log update

The audit log section will be removed from runbooks and replaced with a Download as CSV menu option within Runbook settings. You will still be able to download a CSV with the same format by clicking on the cog menu and choosing Download Audit Log. Please contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) if you have any questions regarding this.

Related roles: Folder stakeholder, Runbook Admin, Stream Editor, and Team member

Text Editor changes

We’ve made some changes to our Text Editor. Please see our Text Editor overview article here to find out more.

Related roles: All roles can see and use this functionality.

Notable fixes

The listed issues and their solutions are organized based on their potential impact on customers.


Feature Area


Replication Steps (if applicable)

Pausing runbooks mid integration prevents tasks from being completed


Tasks are not completing when pausing a runbook whilst mid integration

  1. Start an integration which takes more than 20 seconds to complete

  2. Pause the runbook

  3. Check the integration task status

  4. Integration finishes and task status is updated despite the runbook being paused

Error when saving duration time


Error saving duration time for a task that has been already started

  1. Go into dynamic runbook and create a task

  2. Start the task and edit the duration

  3. You will be able to save and update the duration

Linked runbooks modal slow to load

Linked Runbooks

When linking to a template, it’s slow to load the list of available templates

  1. In a workspace with a lot of templates, hover your cursor over a runbook task and select Insert Linked Tasks

  2. Modal loads a list of available templates to link in a similar length of time as clicking templates within the runbook list

Custom field order not respected in create from template modal


When creating a runbook from a template, custom fields are displayed in a different order from the template and final runbook

  1. Go to Template List view

  2. Click in the Create button on any template

  3. Custom fields will display in the order they are set in the template/runbook

Integration updates and custom fields display name adjustments


UI changes made within some Integrations areas of the product

Minor improvements to the UI text for task level integrations, no functional changes.

Runbook and workspace filter panels use unique name instead of display name


Runbook and task lister filter panels for Searchable Custom Field attributes use the unique name instead of the display name

This has been investigated and is now working as it should be.

Issue duplicating runbook when it has a runbook level Searchable Custom Field


Runbooks cannot be duplicated through the cog icon inside a runbook whilst a runbook level Searchable Custom Field was present

  1. Create a runbook with a runbook level multi-select Searchable Custom Field

  2. Navigate to the cog menu to duplicate the runbook

  3. The runbook will duplicate successfully

Searchable Custom Fields still appears in Filters


Archived Searchable Custom Fields continue to display in Filter panel

This has been investigated and is now working as it should be.

2024.14 release - November 2024


In this release we have the following updates:

Ability to edit a task title and description when the task is in progress

You can now make changes to a task title or description whilst the task is in progress. This option applies to all runbook types: for dynamic runbooks, these can be edited in run; for non-dynamic runbooks, you will need to pause the runbook. To find out more about adding tasks to a runbook, see our help article here.

Maximum retries option added for polling

You can now set a maximum retries amount for integrations that require polling. The default value for new and existing integrations are 120 retries and this can be increased or decreased as required. You should review any Custom integration polling to ensure this number suits your needs.

Default polling interval value

The default polling interval value has been updated to 30 seconds for all new integrations.

Please see our Developer Portal for more information about these changes.

New Refresh data source option

You can now pull new fields and attributes from the data source by using the Refresh option which can be found in the three dots menu. Here you can also archive a data source too.

Notable fixes

The listed issues and their solutions are organized based on their potential impact on customers.


Feature Area


Replication Steps (if applicable)

team_id query not displaying correct results


When using team_id to pull a list of assigned tasks within a runbook the results do not filter to assigned tasks - instead it returns a list of all tasks in the runbook.

  1. Use the runbooks endpoint within the API

  2. Use runbook id to specify runbook

  3. Use team_id to specify a list of tasks assigned to that team

  4. When pulling tasks and using team_id the tasks listed should be assigned to that specific team

Slow loading of user details in Access Management panel

Access Management

When trying to access user details in the Access Management panel, this is taking some time to load.

This issue has now been investigated and rectified. Changes have been made so this will not happen again.

Dashboard download not displaying correctly


When exporting a dashboard as a PDF, the content and images are not rendering properly.

This has now been rectified and content now displays correctly when exporting your dashboard as a PDF.

Unexpected timeouts reported by multiple clients

Access Management

Users have been logged out at random times unexpectedly.

This was investigated and the root cause was that cookies were not being reset when actions were taken. This is now fixed and resolved.

2024.13 release - October 2024


In this release we have the following updates:

Create from Template

We have introduced a new setting for Workspace Managers. When enabled, this setting restricts the creation of new runbooks to existing templates of that type. Please see the Add a runbook type article for more information.

Note: You will need to have one runbook created before you switch this setting on as you will need to make this a template first. Alternatively, you can create templates from scratch using the Cutover API. For more information, see our Developer Portal.

Runbook-level integrations

Runbook-level integrations can now be configured on all runbook type templates. For approved templates, you will need to have the Integrations Admin role to modify runbook-level integrations. Please see our Use Runbook-level integrations article for further information.

UI change

When duplicating a single runbook or creating from a template, users no longer have a radio button option to decide where they would like the duplicated runbook to reside.

To increase visibility of where the existing folder is, this will now be displayed by default in a new dropdown option.

Notable fixes

The listed issues and their solutions are organized based on their potential impact on customers.


Feature Area


Replication Steps (if applicable)

Child runbook not inheriting task start notification from parent

Linked Runbooks

Disable task start notifications not inheriting parent notification settings.

  1. Create parent and child runbooks

  2. Start parent runbook with Runbook Comms On, but Task Start notifications Off

  3. Child runbook should carry the same preferences from the parent runbook

Shift and F6 shortcut causes immediate user logout

Task type

Use of the ^ shortcut for quick access to the task type logs a user out of their session.

  1. Create a runbook

  2. Use a keyboard shortcut to enter a task title, press ^ (shift+6) which will trigger the menu to select task type

Download user history causes an error


When downloading the user history, an error is displayed to the user.

For users who have the ability to download the user audit history.

  1. Log in and go to the User Admin section

  2. Select a user

  3. Open audit history

  4. Click Download full history

  5. You should be able to download the history

2024.12 release - September 2024


This release contains bug fixes and minor internal improvements.

Notable fixes

The listed issues and their solutions are organized based on their potential impact on customers.


Feature Area


Replication Steps (if applicable)

Audit log is not capturing ‘Merge’ action once ‘an existing runbook’ is selected


When a user selects the ‘existing runbook’ option when merging runbooks, no reference to this action is displayed in the audit history.

  1. Within a workspace, select one or more runbooks and click on Merge Selected.

  2. Click on Choose an existing runbook for the merge destination and select the preferred runbook.

  3. After merging the runbook/s into a chosen runbook, navigate to the Audit log via the Settings icon.

  4. All actions taken are displayed in the Audit Log.

Audit log is not capturing ‘Merge’ action once ‘new runbook’ is selected.


When a user selects ‘A new runbook’ option when merging runbooks, no reference to this action is displayed in the audit history.

  1. Within a workspace, select one or more runbooks and click on Merge Selected.

  2. Click on A new runbook for the merge destination.

  3. After creating the new runbook, navigate to the audit log via the Settings icon.

  4. All actions taken are displayed in the Audit Log.

2024.11 release - September 2024


This release contains bug fixes and minor internal improvements.

Notable fixes

The listed issues and their solutions are organized based on their potential impact on customers.


Feature Area


Replication Steps (if applicable)

Linked runbooks modal is not working for templates that have a snippet task type

Linked Runbooks

Linked runbooks is not working for any templates that have a snippet

  1. Create a template with a snippet task type

  2. Create a new runbook

  3. Insert the template with a snippet task type

  4. The template will now be inserted successfully

SAML Mapping upload failure due to subfolder name already existing under multiple parent folders.


SAML mapping upload failure due to subfolder name already existing

  1. Create folders with different names

  2. Create subfolders with the same name in each of the created folders

  3. Create the SAML file according to folders and subfolders mapping

  4. Upload configured file

Include ‘Context in request’ option for Polling Webhook failed to generate a JSON object.


As a user, when I have enabled the ‘Include Context in Request’ option I expect my JSON payload to include the _cutover_request_context but it is showing an exception error.

  1. Create a predefined polling webhook integration connection

  2. Create an integration action under that connection that can post to an endpoint. Select 'Include context in request'

  3. Use the integration successfully in a runbook

Filtering by custom fields limited to a workspace, returns no results.


If you have custom fields limited to specific workspaces, and try to reference them via the API, a status 200 OK is returned but there are no results.

We've updated our API documentation to reflect how to search for workspace specific Custom Fields.

  • If your search includes a workspace specific custom field then you must include the workspace_id parameter. You can only search for custom fields in one workspace at a time.

OAuth error not allowing users the option to debug Custom integrations.


Users are not able to see/click on the “debug” option after an integration error is present within a runbook.

  1. Create a Custom integration with OAUTH

  2. Receive an OAUTH specific error

  3. Integrations Debug would not display

API returns an error when using searchable custom fields and custom-field-values query.


When using the custom_field_values query within the List Runbooks endpoint, the API displays a 500 error if the custom field is a Searchable Custom Field.

Within the API

  1. Use the list runbooks endpoint

  2. Add query parameter custom_field_values

  3. The query parameter should return data as it would any other custom field

2024.10 release - August 2024


You can now start a Live run without having to add a scheduled start date first. Also, when you choose the Live run option, it will default to the current time as the scheduled start, if this has not already been set.

Notable fixes

The listed issues and their solutions are organized based on their potential impact on customers.


Feature Area


Replication Steps (if applicable)

Dashboards that group together as ‘Other’ do not show the correct runbooks list when clicked.


When you have six or more different results that show in a dashboard, they are grouped together as ‘Other’. Clicking on ‘Other’ should show the list of runbooks included but this wasn’t working.

  1. Create a multi-runbook dashboard

  2. In our example we have added a component for runbook split and set the attribute to a custom field that has 6 or more options.

  3. Go into your workspace and add data to the custom field used in the above step for 6 or more runbooks.

  4. The correct number of runbooks are displayed in the list

Transition from rehearsal to live run causes Microsoft Graph integration to fail.


Changing a runbook from rehearsal mode into live mode is causing the Microsoft Graph integration to fail with Connection failed status.

  1. Create a normal runbook and add the Microsoft Graph integration

  2. Execute the integration in Rehearsal stage

  3. Go back to Planning stage

  4. Execute the integration in Live stage

  5. Integration should be executed successfully in Live stage

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