In this article, we'll cover how to view and add runbook and task comments.
Runbook comments
Runbook comments can be entered by selecting the comment icon (as shown in the image below) from the right-hand panel. This panel will show all runbook comments, including task-specific comments.
You can add a runbook comment at the bottom of the panel.
Task comments
To add a task comment, select a task. Next, click on the comment icon in the task listing and add a task comment at the bottom of the panel.
Or you can click on the comment icon at the top of the Task detail panel as shown on the right in the image below.
Note: The task list comment icon will only display if comments have already been added.
This will open the Comments panel with the chosen task as a filter. This will allow comments to be left against this specific task. When the filter is removed, all comments will be shown. Comments added while there is no filter will be attributed to the runbook rather than a specific task.
Things to Note
A Runbook Admin has the ability to ‘star’ a Comment, enabling it to be published on the dashboard.
Where new versions have been created, comments that relate to prior runbook versions are still visible but are displayed in gray.