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Role types and permissions

Learn about the available role types and permissions in Cutover.

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Written by Cutover Documentation Team
Updated over 2 months ago

Becoming familiar with your role and the available actions you can perform based on your role type is one important step in understanding how Cutover operates.


The following role type categories are available for users in the Cutover platform:

  • Global

  • Workspace

  • Folder

  • Runbook

  • Centralized team

  • Integrations

  • Custom fields

Within each category, there are specific roles that can be assigned to suit your organization's structure. Additionally, you have the ability to assign multiple roles to the same user.

Global roles

Within the global category are two role types:

These roles can be assigned to a user in Access Management when adding a new user to your Cutover instance.

Global user admin

A Global user admin can manage all users and roles within the Cutover system. This means this role can access the Access Management area for user management and can view different role types that exist. This role has access to accounts; however, it cannot read any runbooks that sit within Cutover.

Global stakeholder

A Global stakeholder is a read-only role that allows a user to view all settings, information, and data within an instance. This role can also access runbook dashboards and tasks.

Workspace roles

Within the workspace category are four role types:

These roles can be assigned to a user in Access Management when adding a new user to your Cutover instance.

Workspace manager

A Workspace manager is an admin role that has the ability to edit workspace properties, define settings, and perform user management tasks for a workspace. Workspace managers also have read-only access to everything that sits within their workspace, such as runbooks.

Workspace runbook creator

A Workspace runbook creator can create runbooks in a specified workspace without having higher-level access to settings to edit a workspace itself. A workspace runbook creator can create and duplicate runbooks in the workspace they've been assigned.

This role does not give visibility into all runbooks in a workspace. A workspace runbook creator can only view and access runbooks with a role they're associated with, such as runbook admin, stream editor, or in a runbook team.

Workspace stakeholder

A Workspace stakeholder can view everything in a specified workspace, including user management, settings, and runbooks. This role is typically given to users that do not need to make updates but would like to have visibility in a specific workspace without needing access and visibility into all workspaces in an instance.

Workspace member

A Workspace member has the least available permissions. A workspace member can access the workspace but not view specific details until they have been granted further permissions or until they've been added to a runbook.

This role is typically granted to users that are only required to execute tasks they are assigned in a runbook.

Centralized team manager

A Centralized team manager allows a user to manage central teams within a workspace without needing workspace manager permissions.

These roles can be assigned to a user in Access Management when adding a new user to your Cutover instance.

For more information on central teams and how they work, please read our Central Teams help center article.

Folder roles

Within the folder role category are two role types:

These roles can be assigned to a user within the Folder > Edit Folder panel of a workspace. In addition, folder runbook creators and stakeholders have access to (and can be added as members of) subfolders.

In order to assign users to these roles, they will need to be given access to the appropriate workspace.

Folder runbook creator

A Folder runbook creator can create runbooks in a specified folder but cannot see all other runbooks they have not created or are involved in.

Folder stakeholder

A Folder stakeholder can view all runbooks that sit within a specified folder but cannot make changes in a runbook until they are added as a runbook admin or team member.

Runbook roles

Within the runbook role category are three role types:

These roles can be assigned to a user in the View Users/Teams panel in a runbook.

In order to assign users to these roles, they will need to be given access to the appropriate workspace.

Runbook admin

A Runbook admin can edit all assets within a runbook, including (but not limited to) creating and editing runbook teams and tasks, executing rehearsals and live runs, and runbooks.

A runbook creator will automatically inherit the runbook admin role when they create a runbook and can add additional runbook admins to allow others to collaborate on the execution of a runbook.

Stream editor

A Stream editor can manage substreams and tasks within their stream only. A stream editor is typically needed when a user only needs to manage specific streams and tasks without needing access to an entire runbook.

Team member

A Team member can only access specific runbooks and action tasks they have been assigned to and has the least available permissions.

Note: A user can only be added as a team member if they have been added to a team within a runbook.

Integrations admin

An Integrations admin can view, create, and manage integrations and task types within the Global Settings of a Cutover instance. An integrations admin can only view a workspace β€” this means that this role type does not have access to user management settings or cannot edit runbooks directly, for example.

While other roles are able to handle tasks associated with integrations, such as removing an integration task from a runbook, the integrations admin is the only role type that can create or delete integrations, as well as access and manage an integration's settings.

This means that a workspace manager, for example, will be unable to access Global Settings to create or manage integrations directly.

Custom fields admin

A Custom fields admin can access Custom Fields and Custom Field Groups within the Global Settings of a Cutover instance, with read and create permissions only. Additionally, a custom fields admin can only view the workspace they've been added to.

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