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Central Teams

Learn how to create and manage central teams.

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Written by Cutover Documentation Team
Updated over a month ago

Central teams are pre-defined teams with default users in a runbook that can be copied or linked when creating a runbook team. In this article, we'll cover what central teams are, and how to create and manage them.

Central teams overview

Central teams are pre-defined teams with default users in a runbook, that can be copied or linked when creating a runbook team and are created at the workspace level.

Note: When creating a central team, please note that you can only add users to a central team who have already been added as a user in your workspace.

Central teams are used when you have teams that need to be assigned to multiple runbooks. By creating a central team and adding users, you can copy or link any central team to a specific runbook without having to recreate a new team each time.

Note: Any changes made to a central team (such as team name or user management) will automatically update everywhere the central team is used. If you don’t need this functionality, you can unlink the central team to convert it into a normal team within a runbook. However, keep in mind that any changes made to the team after unlinking, will not be reflected elsewhere.

You can read more about creating runbook teams and linked teams here.

Create a central team

To create a central team, be sure that you have one of the below user roles:

  • Central team manager

  • Workspace manager

Navigate to and select a workspace in your Cutover instance. Next, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Central Teams.

  2. Next, click the + icon on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

  3. Create an Individual team or Bulk upload a team.

    1. If you select Individual team, enter the names of the users you would like to add to your team. Click +Add when complete.

    2. If you select Bulk upload, you will need to upload a .CSV file containing the email addresses and the assigned team of the users you wish to add to your central team. Click Upload.


Things to note when creating a new team or making changes to an existing team:

  • If your CSV file contains a team name of an existing team, users will be added to this team.

  • If your CSV file contains a team name that doesn't already exist on the Central Teams page, a new team will be created and your referenced users will be added to this team.

Things to note when overwriting teams:

  • If the team does exist and the overwrite option is selected, it will result in the addition of users who are in the uploaded file. The users who are not present will be removed.

  • If the team does not exist and the overwrite option is selected, it will result in new teams being created as the team to overwrite does not exist.

  • Choosing the overwrite option will only affect those teams outlined in your file. All other teams will remain unaffected.

Things to note when using the Bulk Upload functionality:

  • If you have a large amount to 'bulk upload', we suggest splitting this into smaller batches.

Manage a central team

Click on a central team in the Central Teams menu to edit the team name and remove/add users.

To remove a team as a central team, click Mark as centralized team > Save. Once this is done, the central team will be archived, and all linked runbook teams will convert to custom teams.

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