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Runbook Overview

Learn how to navigate your runbook and become familiar with its features.

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Written by Cutover Documentation Team
Updated over 4 months ago

A runbook consists of a series of tasks that are created, organized, and executed in order to carry out a specific function. In this article, we'll cover a high-level overview of runbook features and how to navigate them.

Runbook overview

After a runbook has been created, you'll be able to access your runbook within your workspace. When you click into your runbook, there are a variety of menu options and icons to become familiar with. Below is an example image of a runbook:

Note: Depending on the role(s) you've been assigned, some icons or features may not be available to you.

  1. Runbook name: The name of your runbook will appear on the top left-hand corner of your screen. Next to the runbook title is a cog icon β€” clicking this will open the runbook settings. Within this menu are a variety of options to duplicate, archive, save your runbook, and more. In addition, you can click the star icon next to the cog to star your runbook. The starred runbook will then appear on the navigation bar on the left-hand side for quick access.

  2. Stream and runbook filters: View and filter tasks by stream or other filter options such as team, user, task type, and more.

  3. Task views: You have the ability to view tasks in your runbook in three ways: list view (illustrated above), nodemap view, and table view. You can switch between these views at any time.

  4. Execute your runbook and view duration: When your runbook is in planning mode, the timestamp in the upper right-hand corner will display the expected duration of your runbook. When your runbook is in live mode or rehearsal, the time stamp will display how long the runbook has been running. To execute your runbook, click the play icon; when your runbook is in live mode or rehearsal, you have the ability to pause or cancel the runbook by clicking the pause icon.

Runbook settings

Click the gear icon next to your runbook name to assess runbook settings.

Depending on your role within a workspace, some of the below settings options may be unavailable:

  • Duplicate runbook: Make a copy of your runbook.

Note: When importing a duplicated runbook, you will need a role with admin or write permissions.

  • Archive: Archive your runbook. Archived runbooks can be restored at any time with the help of a runbook admin.

  • Import tasks from CSV: Import tasks into a runbook via CSV. Read more about importing tasks via CSV in our Help Center.

  • Import runbook: Choose an existing runbook to import into your current runbook. Tasks, streams, and teams including team members that do not exist will be created upon import.

  • Save a version: Save the current version of your runbook.

  • Save a runbook as saved view: Save the current version of your runbook as a new view. It will be made available as a shortcut as a private or public view.

  • View version history: View and access different versions of your runbook.

  • Make template: Mark your runbook as a template.

  • Download audit log: Download and view a log of actions taken within your runbook.

  • Runbook users: View a list of runbook users.

  • Add scheduled start: Add a scheduled start for your runbook.

  • Reload: Refresh your runbook.

Navigate your runbook

  1. Task start timestamp: The date and time the first task in your runbook was executed.

  2. Task icon: The shape of the task icon will illustrate what task type has been added to the runbook. The icon color indicates the assigned stream the task belongs to.

  3. Task ID and name: The number next to the task name is the task ID. You can click on your task at any time to view additional details and settings.

  4. More options icon: Click this icon to export tasks or switch to highlight mode.

  5. Task duration: Task duration outlines the expected time it will take for the task to complete.

  6. Assigned teams and users: This icon will indicate which team or user has been assigned to a specific task.

  7. Critical path: Your runbook will automatically assign tasks to a critical path β€” this is illustrated by the orange C icon; in nodemap view, the critical path is illustrated by an orange line. The critical path by the longest duration of dependent activities and measuring the time required to complete them from start to finish. This also includes the longest duration of a path and sequence of tasks to complete a runbook.

  8. Additional menu options: These icons on the right-hand side of your runbook illustrate different menu options. Here you can view runbook details, view the teams and users associated with your runbook, comments, send ad-hoc communications and view any runbook integrations.

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