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Runbook People Management

Learn how to manage users and teams in a runbook.

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Written by Cutover Documentation Team
Updated over 11 months ago

In this article, we'll cover how to add and manage new users and teams in a runbook.


When in a runbook, selecting the “View Users/Teams” icon located at the right-hand side of your window will display all Runbook users, their permissions, and teams in one place. Using the images below you can:

  • Search for users or teams (2): When in the “Users” view, it allows you to search for existing runbook users. When in the “Teams” view, it allows you to search for existing runbook teams.

  • Runbook users or teams tab (3): Switch the view by clicking on either “Users” or “Teams” to see the list of existing runbook users or runbook teams.

  • List of existing users and teams (4): Displays the list of existing runbook users or teams and their permissions. Admins can manage users' permission and teams directly from this view.

Further options available are add, import and export, and close the panel.

Linked teams

A Linked team can be identified by the link icon located next to the team name, it is a team that directly syncs to an existing central team in your workspace. This is typically used if you have teams that are required to be assigned to multiple runbooks, by adding a central team as a Linked team, this allows any changes from the central team to automatically be reflected in all runbooks with the Linked team.

Add new Runbook Admins, users and teams to runbooks

Once you are in the “View Users and Teams” panel, select the + icon located at the top right-hand corner of the panel, the modal will appear which allows you to add new users (as runbook admin or stream editor) and new teams within the same view.

Note: Please note that the users need to have the workspace permissions and any central teams need to be created via the “Centralised Teams” settings prior in order for them to be searchable.

Add new runbook users or Runbook Admins

  1. Type in the user’s name into the search bar at the top, the dynamic search function will bring up any users that are available in the workspace your runbook is in.

  2. Select the user name, once the correct user name is selected, it will be added to the list underneath the search bar.

  3. Select user permission, and assign the user’s runbook roles: Runbook Admin (default upon selection) or Stream editor.

  4. Repeat the process if you wish to add multiple users.

  5. To remove any entries, click on the X on the right-hand side of the name.

  6. Click + Add to confirm.

Add new runbook teams

To add existing central teams and Linked teams, follow the steps below:

  1. Type in the team name into the search bar at the top, the dynamic search function will bring up any central teams available in the workspace your runbook is in. Select the team name and it will be added to the list underneath the search bar.

  2. Central teams selected via this method will be automatically added as a “Linked Team” with the link icon. Click on the “unlink” icon on the right-hand side of the team name to unlink from the central team so it is a copy of the central team.

  3. To remove any entries, click on the X on the right-hand side of the team name.

  4. Click on any team name added to see the list of members in that team.

Add a custom team

To add a new custom team, follow the steps below:

  1. Click View Users/Teams > the + icon.

  2. Click + Create as custom team. Enter the name of your custom team. Click the tick to confirm or the cross icon to cancel.

If confirmed, your custom team will then appear in the list where you can make further changes or delete if required.

Manage existing runbook users and teams

The runbook people management panel displays how many users or teams you have in a runbook. You can switch the views by clicking on either the Users tab or the Teams tab.

Delete users and view user details

  1. If the “Users” tab is selected, you should see a list of runbook admins, steam editors, and team members.

  2. Select the permission label allows you to change the permissions for each user.

  3. Click on the user’s name will open the “user details” panel and you can see what team(s) they are in within this runbook.
    The “3-dot” icon located at the top right-hand side of the user details panel allows the admin to delete the user from this runbook.
    Click on the “X” next to the team name underneath will remove the user from the custom runbook team. * You cannot remove users from linked teams in this view, please edit your linked team members via the “Centralised Teams” settings.

View, edit, and remove to runbook teams

  1. Select the “Teams” tab and a list of existing teams will display along with the numbers of users in each team.

  2. Click on the team name will open up the team details panel which includes: Team type (linked team or custom team), team title, option to unlink the team if it is a linked team, a list of team members, and add or remove team members if it is a custom team.

  3. The “3-dot” icon (otherwise known as More options) located at the top right-hand side of the team details panel allows the admin to delete and replace the team with a linked team. If the admins have a role assigned to edit central teams (i.e workspace manager or centralized team manager), an additional “Edit Central team” option will be available for any linked teams in the runbook.

Assign users and teams to tasks

Once you have the users and teams in place for your runbook, you can assign them to tasks by simply clicking and dragging the avatar to drop it onto the user section on the far right of the task.

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