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Task Upload Template Guide

How to guide and template for task upload

Ellen Wang avatar
Written by Ellen Wang
Updated over a year ago

In this article, we will go through:

  1. How to guide on task upload template: A guide details the information needed to when using our task upload template, what to look out for.

  2. A quick checklist "What's next" at the end of page once you have completed the template preparation.

  3. Task upload template (xls): A copy of the template with a few lines of example data.

How to guide on task upload template

You should have a copy of the Cutover Tasks Upload Template at hand, if not you can use the link below:

Task upload Template (CSV)

  • In order for the upload to be successful, please follow the guide below.

  • A checklist is provided at the end of the document with instructions on

  • how to upload the template after you have completed your template preparation.

Upload column and information glossary

The following section provides details and requirements of each header columns in the upload template. Use the below table to jump to the right section.

Task ID (Optional)

Description (Optional)

Task Type (Optional)

Planned due date (Optional)

Title (Mandatory)

Stream (Optional)

Planned Duration (Optional)

Planned due time (Timezone code) (Optional)

Predecessor IDs (Optional)

Sub Stream (Optional)

Task Level (Optional)

Planned Fixed Time (Timezone code) (Optional)

Custom Fields (Optional)

Task ID (Optional)

Each task is required to have an ID assigned and will be display in your runbook.

  • Must be numerical numbers only e.g 10, 11, 12, cannot contain any characters, 123-23,

  • DR123…etc

  • All tasks ID must have # in front of the numbers e.g #1, #2, #46

  • Tasks ID does not need to be sequential as your runbook structure is based on

  • dependancies between tasks

Title (Mandatory)

Name of your task, this is critical for anyone looking at the plan and able to understand

quickly the task intent. (e.g Migration for X App starts)

  • Allows text and numbers

  • Avoid too much details (too many words will cause part of the title to be cut out)

  • If you would like to include more details, please add to the “Description” header column

Predecessor IDs (Optional)

This is very important in order for your task dependancies to import correctly.

The runbook dependancies are NOT time based, therefore, if you have tasks that are dependant on other tasks to be completed before it can be started, you will need to make sure they have predecessor IDs in place. 'Predecessor' is the task that comes before a task.

Note: If you have no predecessor IDs, your tasks will all be running in parallel. As soon as you start your runbook, ALL of your tasks will be come startable at the same time. (See examples below)

  • Format should be the same as Task ID.

  • A single tasks can have multiple predecessors and also the same predecessors.

  • If you want a task to be a standalone task, therefore, has no dependancies, leave the cell blank.

Description (Optional)

More Detailed Information for each of your tasks, if you would like to include any links or

further details for the tasks owners to see.

  • Allows text, numbers and links

Stream (Optional)

Stream is a way of grouping your tasks, this could be by stages of your plan e.g (pre-check,

approval, go-live, post go-live check…etc). Or by departments (HR, finance, IT…etc)

If stream does not exist during the upload, it will be automatically added to “Primary

Stream” which is the default stream name.

  • Allows Text and numbers

  • Avoid any special characters that requires the press of your “shift keys”, such as @,%, &,*, ( ), …etc

Sub Stream (Optional)

Sub Stream is a way of further categorising your tasks within a stream if required.

  • Allows Text and numbers

  • Avoid any special characters that requires the press of your “shift keys”, such as @, %, &,*, ( ), …etc

Task Type (Optional)

Task type is unique feature to Cutover platform, there are seven default task types and

each of them have their own attributes and behaviours.

  • Only use the existing task types, if you required custom tasks to be set up prior to the upload, please contact your Customer Success Manager

  • If you are unsure which task type to choose from, visit the task type article

  • the attributes of your tasks, you can always amend directly on the platform after

Planned Duration (Optional)

Planned duration is for Normal and Validation tasks (or any custom tasks that has a duration). Cutover runbooks automatically calculate forecast time/date based on the durations of your tasks.

  • dd:hh:mm format for all durations

  • If there are tasks that have no duration “0m” is required, this cannot be left blank

Task Level (Optional)

Task level is often used to determine the severity or importance of the task. Task level is a default available filter within your runbook filter list.

  • Three available levels to choose from: Level_1, Level_2 and Level_3

Assigned Team (Name) (Optional)

Name of the team you want to assign the task to. You can assign multiple teams to one

single task, please use comma to separate the team names (IT,Finance,DevOps1)

Planned Fixed Date (Optional)

Only needed if you wish to indicate to the task owners a specific date the tasks is aimed to start. You will see an “F” follow by date and time on the left of your tasks in your task list.

  • 2022-07-01 (year-month-day) or 01/07/2022 (day/month/year)

  • This currently does not prevents the tasks become startable, therefore, as soon as the predecessor task(s) complete, it will become startable.

  • if the actual start time surpasses the planed fixed date/time it will cause the tasks to be marked “late” (tasks title turning orange)

Planned Fixed Time (Timezone code) (Optional)

Only needed if you wish to indicate to the task owners a specific time the tasks is aimed to start. You will see an “F” follow by date and time on the left of your tasks in your task list.

  • The column header requires a timezone code in brackets. E.g (BST), (ET)..etc

  • Cannot have value if Planned Fixed Date is blank

  • 24 hour clock format, 2pm should be 14:00:00, 9am should be 09:00:00 hh:mm:ss

Planned due date (Optional)

Only needed if you wish to indicate to the task owners a specific date the tasks is aimed to be completed. This does not triggers tasks to automatically complete, therefore, task

owners will still need to complete the task and if the actual completion time surpasses the planed due date/time it will cause the tasks to be marked “late”

  • 2022-07-01 (year-month-day) or 01/07/2022 (day/month/year)

  • This does not triggers tasks to automatically complete, therefore, task owners will still need to complete the task.

  • if the actual completion time surpasses the planed due date/time it will cause the tasks to be marked “late”

Planned due time (Timezone Code) (Optional)

Only needed if you wish to indicate to the task owners a specific time the tasks is aimed to be completed.

  • The column header requires a timezone code in brackets. E.g (BST), (ET)..etc

  • Cannot have value if Planned due date is blank

  • 24 hour clock format, 2pm should be 14:00:00, 9am should be 09:00:00 hh:mm:ss

Custom Fields (Optional)

The harder column for your custom fields should be located after the default column

headers listed above In order for a successful import.

  • Custom fields must be available on the workspace where your runbook is being uploaded to before you import your CSV

  • The title of your header column on your import files must match the custom field title

Note: If you are unsure what custom fields are available within your workspace, export an existing runbook and you should find the available custom fields after the column header called “CUSTOM FIELDS” and before “OUTPUT FIELDS

What’s next?

Now you have an upload template prepared, the next step is to upload it into Cutover.

Before you do that, just a final check:

  1. Ensure the mandatory task title is filled out

  2. All other entries you have on the CSV matches the requirement and formatting

  3. Save the prepared template as .CSV (Comma-separate value)

  4. You have a destination runbook for the upload.

    • To create a blank runbook for the upload template, go to your workspace, press the ‘+’ located at the top right hand side and follow the runbook creation steps.

    • Once you have your runbook opened, Select the “settings’ button located on the right hand side of your runbook name at the top and choose the ‘import task from CSV’.

  5. Follow the upload instruction on screen to upload the template. If there is an issue with your upload, it should indicate the errors. Please adjust the upload accordingly and save as .CSV again then repeat the import tasks from CSV steps.

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