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Create a template - no workflow
Create a template - no workflow

Learn how to create and manage runbook templates.

Cutover Documentation Team avatar
Written by Cutover Documentation Team
Updated over 8 months ago

Templates allow you to capture a repeatable process made up of streams, tasks and users that can be seamlessly executed at a later time. This makes your workflow more efficient and ensures necessary steps are not forgotten.

There are two types of templates, those with no workflow (which will follow our default behaviour) and those with a workflow attached.

In this article, we will cover the template creation process within Cutover, where no workflow has been defined.

To understand more about template workflow, please see our Help Center article here.


Templates are created directly from runbooks that are in planning state. With templates, you have the ability to create multiple runbooks allowing you to make use of settings you've previously defined, creating a workflow that executes seamlessly.

You may think of templates as a framework that includes a specific set of tasks that work toward a specific goal that you can replicate and execute as often as needed.

To create a template, you will need to either be a workspace runbook creator or a workspace folder creator. Templates have two states which are draft or approved.

Create a template

To create a template, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the workspace you would like to create a template in.

  2. Create a runbook and include any tasks, teams and users you require.

  3. When you are happy with your runbook, click the cog icon next to the runbook title.

  4. Click Make template.

  5. In the Create Template modal, click Confirm.

Template timing/ scheduling

If you have scheduled your runbook, the moment a runbook is designated a template, the planned start date is removed and this will begin at Day 1, but will retain the time specified ie: Day 1 - 8am, assuming the scheduled runbook was supposed to start January 23rd at 8am.

If this was an unscheduled runbook, you will see no change to the scheduling. For more information on scheduled and unscheduled runbooks, see our Help Center article here.

Draft state
You will notice that when your runbook has been converted to a template, it will go initially into a draft state - indicated by the (Draft) pill at the top of the template header. In this state your runbook can be edited until you are happy for it to be approved.

Approval state
A template can be approved by clicking in the ‘Mark as approved’ text in the banner that appears in the bottom of the template.

A runbook can be created from a template regardless of whether this is in a draft or approval state. Once your template is in approval state, the runbook is no longer editable and nothing can be changed.

Making further edits to your template

If you wish to edit any of your runbook or tasks, you must move the template back to draft state. This can be done by clicking on the cog next to the runbook name at the top and selecting Create a new template version. When you do this, you will notice the green approved pill at the top will be replaced by a grey draft pill.

Learn more

See our other articles here:

Create a template - advanced workflow

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