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Create a Runbook

Learn how to create a runbook.

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Written by Cutover Documentation Team
Updated over 3 weeks ago

A runbook consists of a series of tasks that are created, organized, and executed in order to carry out a specific function. In this article, we'll cover how you can create a runbook.


To create a runbook in Cutover, you will need to have the Workspace Runbook Creator or Folder Runbook Creator role type at minimum.

  • Workspace Runbook Creator role allows a user to create a runbook on a given workspace with no restrictions on where in the workspace that runbook should be stored. This role can be granted to a user from within the Access Management screen or from within the Workspaces screen.

  • Folder Runbook Creator role allows a user to create a runbook on a given workspace but only within a specified folder. This folder can be granted to a user from within the workspace, by navigating to the folder in the filter panel and clicking on the edit folder icon to open the edit panel.

There are a number of ways to create a runbook:

Create a brand new runbook

When creating a runbook, you will first need to select a runbook type. A runbook type is a runbook that has a default set of configurations for a specific type of execution. For example, a recovery plan runbook type will have a different configuration than a failover runbook type, as they both have different execution methods.

Some of the runbook types we have available are:

Normal runbook: This our standard runbook. Use this to orchestrate your activities using our standard configuration.

Dynamic runbook: Use this to runbook type to allow you the ability to edit at any time, including during a live run, without the need to pause or stop the runbook.

Incident runbook: Use this runbook type to orchestrate incident activities dynamically. This is typically used to manage a live incident and once created the run can start straight away or when scheduled.

Recovery Plan runbook: Use this runbook type to create a repeatable failover process
Validation runbook: Use this runbook type which allows additional configuration to support testing activities

Note: You may see other runbooks types that are not mentioned in this article, these are custom runbooks types for your organisation.

Once a runbook type has been selected, you are free to create your runbook.

  1. Click +Create Runbook on the top right-hand corner of your workspace.

  2. Select a runbook type. Next, optionally select a template from which your runbook will be created from.

  3. Select a default start time or start date. Once finished, your runbook will be created.

Create a runbook from a template

To create a runbook from a template, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Templates tab in your workspace.

  2. Find the template you wish to create a runbook from and click Create.

  3. Select your destination folder.

  4. Decide whether to duplicate the template's tasks and streams, teams, and runbook users.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Select whether to add the start time for the runbook later or enter the planned start date.

  7. Click +Create.

To note, you will be able to create a runbook from any state; e..g. draft, approved and rejected templates — you can filter through these in the Templates tab:

When you attempt to create a runbook from a template that has not been approved, a warning message will appear:

Alternatively, there are two other ways to create from a template:

  • Creating a brand new runbook and in the Create modals you can choose a template to create from

  • Or, from within the template itself - navigate into the template you would like to create from, and access the 'Create from template' option within the Settings cog at the top of the template.

Learn more about templates

Duplicate an existing runbook

To create a runbook by duplicating another runbook, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Runbooks tab in your workspace.

  2. Choose the runbook you wish to create a runbook from.

  3. Click the duplicate icon that becomes visible when hovering on the individual runbooks.

  4. Decide whether to duplicate the runbooks tasks and streams, teams, and runbook users.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Select whether to add the start time for the runbook later or enter the planned start date.

  7. Click +Create.

Note: When we duplicate runbooks, the folder lock does not apply, even when they have been created from a template with a lock.
You can duplicate runbooks into the folder of their choosing, but you cannot move a runbook that has been created from a template with the lock setting.

Merge runbooks to create a new runbook

See this article to learn how to merge runbooks to create a new runbook.

Linked templates

See this article to learn how to link templates.


Below are some reasons why you might not be able to create a runbook.

  • You may not have the right permissions. You should have the workspace runbook creator or runbook folder creator role type.

  • ‘Only create from template’ flag set is to true on a runbook type so you will not be able to create a new runbook of this type from scratch or duplicate an existing runbook.

  • The runbook type has been archived, so it cannot be used again. As a result this runbook type is not available for selection when creating new runbooks, and duplicate icons are hidden on runbooks that are of this runbook type.

  • The template has folder locking enabled and you do not have permission to create in the template folder. As a result duplicate icons are hidden on runbooks that are of this runbook type.

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