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Use Linked Runbooks in a Live Run
Use Linked Runbooks in a Live Run

Learn how to use linked runbooks in live run mode.

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Written by Cutover Documentation Team
Updated over a week ago

Parent and linked runbooks have a variety of expected behaviors when the parent runbook is in live run mode. In this article, we'll cover those scenarios and expected behaviors.


A linked runbook will only be able to start when a parent runbook is started in a live run, and the linked task associated becomes startable.

As a result, linked runbooks will always remain locked from entering a rehearsal run when the parent runbook is in a live run, as seen in the screenshot below.

If communications are turned on, users in the linked runbook will receive a notification that their runbook is ready to start their live run.

Additionally, it's important to note that linked runbooks will inherit the following from the parent runbook:

  • Run type

  • Communication settings

  • Advanced options

During the execution of the live run, the parent runbook will have full control over the linked runbook and impacts the following in the child runbook:

  • Forecasted runbook start times

  • Icons that highlight whether tasks in the parent runbook are running on time, ahead of schedule, or late.

    • For example, if a task in the parent runbook is running on time or ahead of schedule, the clock icon on the child task will appear green; if the task is running late, the clock will appear red in the child task.

  • The ability to start the child runbook when the parent runbook's linked task is ready to start.

Parent runbook start validation criteria

Note: If the parent runbook does not meet the runbook start validation criteria, there will be validation errors.

Your runbook must meet all normal runbook start validation criteria, including the following, to start your parent runbook in a live run:

  • When creating a runbook from a template, note that linked tasks are created from templates but are not templates themselves. As a result, each linked task would need to be converted to a runbook from a template.

    • Note: If a linked task is being converted to a runbook prior to a live run, the run cannot begin until the conversion is complete.

  • Linked tasks cannot be linked to archived runbooks

  • Linked tasks cannot have red runbook start validation errors

Below are the expected behaviors for parent runbooks during a live run, in the event the runbook is paused, resumed, or canceled, and when a linked task is skipped or abandoned.

Paused live run

In the event the parent runbook is paused during the live run, the parent runbook and all linked runbooks in progress will pause and lock, disabling them from resuming independently of the parent runbook.

If communications are enabled, users in the linked runbook will receive a notification that the runbook has been paused by the parent runbook.

Resumed live run

In the event the parent runbook resumes the live run, all paused linked runbooks will resume. Any linked runbooks that were already paused prior to the pause of the parent runbook will revert to their pause— independent of the parent runbook— when the parent runbook is resumed.

If communications are enabled, users in the linked runbook will receive a notification that the runbook has been resumed by the parent runbook.

Canceled live run

In the event the live run is canceled for the parent runbook, all linked runbooks will be canceled.

If communications are enabled, users in the linked runbook will receive a notification that the runbook has been canceled by the parent runbook.

Skipped linked task

If a linked task is skipped in the parent runbook, the linked runbook will be skipped. This is reflected in the runbook, the runbook list, and the parent runbook.

If communications are enabled, users in the linked runbook will receive a notification that the runbook has been skipped by the parent runbook.

Abandoned linked task

If a linked task is abandoned in the parent runbook, the linked task will reflect this in the runbook list, parent runbook, and linked runbook. Below is an example of an abandoned task in a parent runbook.

Note: This applies if a Branching Task and Branching Headers task type has been used within the parent runbook.

If communications are enabled, users in the linked runbook will receive a notification that their runbook has been abandoned by the parent runbook.

For the live run to be completed, all tasks in the parent runbook must be completed.

Linked runbook start validation criteria

Linked tasks associated with the linked runbook must be ready to start. Otherwise, the linked runbook will remain locked, and red validation errors will display.

A linked runbook will always remain locked and unable to run in rehearsal mode while the parent runbook is in a live run. As long as all criteria are met, to start a linked runbook, click the Play icon in the upper right-hand corner.

Below are the expected behaviors for linked runbooks during a live run, in the event the runbook is completed, paused, resumed, or canceled.

Completed live run

To complete a linked task in a parent runbook, the linked runbook must complete all tasks. Once the linked runbook completes its live run, the associated linked task will complete like a standard finished task.

Paused live run

In the event a linked runbook is paused during its live run, linked tasks will pause. This will be reflected in the parent runbook.

Resumed live run

In the event a linked runbook resumes the live run, all linked tasks will resume. This will be reflected in the parent runbook.

Canceled live run

In the event a linked runbook is canceled during a live run, linked tasks will be canceled. This will be reflected in the parent runbook.

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