Parent and linked runbooks have a variety of expected behaviors when the parent runbook is in a rehearsal run. In this article, we'll cover those scenarios and expected behaviors.
Parent runbook start validation criteria
Prior to starting a parent runbook in a rehearsal run, the runbook must meet all standard validation criteria in addition to the following requirements:
When creating a runbook from a template, note that linked tasks are created from templates but are not templates themselves. As a result, each linked task would need to be converted to a runbook from a template.
Linked tasks cannot be linked to archived runbooks.
Linked tasks cannot have red runbook start validation errors.
Note: If all validation criteria are not met, the runbook will be unable to run in rehearsal mode.
In a rehearsal run, parent runbooks have full control over their associated linked runbooks. Only parent runbooks have the ability to unlock linked runbooks when they are ready to begin a rehearsal run.
In the below sections, we'll cover specific areas parent runbooks have control over in linked runbooks.
Forecasted runbook start times
If the linked task in the parent runbook is running on time or ahead of schedule, the clock icon within the associated linked runbook will appear green. If the linked task is running late, the clock icon within the linked runbook will appear red.
Paused rehearsal
In the event a parent runbook is paused during a rehearsal run, the parent runbook and all in-progress linked runbooks will pause. Linked runbooks will be locked from resuming until the parent runbook has resumed its rehearsal run.
If communications are enabled, users in the linked runbook will receive a notification that the runbook has been paused by the parent runbook.
Rehearsal resumed
Once a rehearsal run has resumed in the parent runbook, associated linked runbooks will resume. In the event a linked runbook was paused before the parent runbook was paused, the linked runbook will revert to its independently paused state, and the parent runbook will regain control of the linked runbook.
If communications are enabled, users in the linked runbook will receive a notification that the runbook has been resumed by the parent runbook.
Canceled rehearsal
In the event a rehearsal run for a parent runbook is canceled, all linked runbooks will be canceled. All runbooks will revert back to planning mode.
If communications are enabled, users in the linked runbook will receive a notification that the runbook has been canceled by the parent runbook.
Skipped linked task
In the event a parent runbook has skipped a linked task, the linked runbook will revert to planning mode.
If communications are enabled, users in the linked runbook will receive a notification that the runbook has been skipped by the parent runbook.
Abandoned linked task
In the event a parent runbook abandons a linked task โand if a Branching Task and Branching Headers task type has been used in the runbook โ the linked runbook will revert to planning mode.
If communications are enabled, users in the linked runbook will receive a notification that the runbook has been abandoned by the parent runbook.
Completed rehearsal
All tasks in a parent runbook must be completed in order for a rehearsal run to complete in the parent runbook. Once the parent runbook is completed, any completed linked runbooks are returned to planning mode.
Linked runbook start validation criteria
Prior to starting a linked runbook in a rehearsal run, the associated linked task must be ready to start.
Note: If this requirement is not met, the linked runbook will remain locked and will display validation errors.
It's important to note that linked runbooks will also inherit the following attributes and settings from the parent runbook during a rehearsal run:
Run type
Communication settings
Advanced options
Linked runbooks will always be available to start in rehearsal run only. To note, linked runbooks will always remain locked from entering a live run when parent runbooks are in rehearsal.
If communications are enabled, users in the linked runbook will receive a notification that the runbook is ready to start rehearsal. Additionally, while a parent runbook is in a rehearsal run, the associated linked runbook will remain locked from a live run.
Paused rehearsal
In the event a linked runbook is paused during a rehearsal run, the associated linked task will pause in the parent runbook.
Rehearsal resumed
Once a rehearsal run is resumed in the linked runbook, the associated linked task will resume in the parent runbook.
Canceled rehearsal
In the event a linked runbook is canceled, the associated linked task in the parent runbook will cancel. The linked runbook will revert to planning mode.
Completed rehearsal
Once all tasks in a linked runbook have been completed, the linked runbook will revert to planning mode, and the linked task in the parent will be complete.
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