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Merge Runbooks and Templates
Merge Runbooks and Templates

Learn how to merge or import your Cutover runbooks and templates.

Cutover Documentation Team avatar
Written by Cutover Documentation Team
Updated over 9 months ago

You can use our merge runbook functionality to combine multiple runbooks into one single runbook to help you further plan and execute. There are two ways to combine runbooks. You can merge runbooks together from the workspace view where you see your list of runbooks or templates. Alternatively, if you go inside a runbook or a template, you can import from there. Both of these features have the same outcome.

In this article we will go through:

Merge runbooks and templates in your workspace

Once you are in your workspace, hover over the name of a runbook you want to merge. A check box will be displayed on the left hand side.

Select the checkboxes of the runbooks you would like to merge together and click on Merge selected at the top of the runbooks list.

A modal window will display with two options for your merged destination. You can choose:

  • A new runbook - this option will create a brand new runbook containing tasks from all the selected runbooks; or

  • Choose an existing runbook - if this option is selected, a further menu will be presented underneath where you can search for an existing runbook to merge into.

A new runbook option

If a new runbook option is selected, you will need to add further information to complete the merge. Click Next, and then select the runbook type you would like the new merged runbook to be. In the Enter new runbook details window add the new runbook title, folder, and scheduled start date (optional). Click Next.

Choose an existing runbook option

If you choose an existing runbook to merge your runbooks into you will need to search for the runbook you want to merge into. You cannot merge a runbook into itself, so if your existing runbook is already one of your runbooks to be merged, an error message will display.

Also, the merge destination runbook must be in planning mode, if it is in another state, you will receive an error message.

Once you have selected your runbook

For both of the above scenarios, once you have selected your runbook, click Next. A confirmation modal window will display with details containing:

  • List of streams

  • List of teams

  • Total number of tasks

Once reviewed, click the Merge button to complete the merge. The tasks from each of the selected runbooks will be copied over to the destination runbook. The originally selected runbooks will remain in the workspace.

The same steps can be followed when merging templates. Please note that if you choose to merge into a new template, the merged templates will create a new runbook. You will then need to make the runbook into a template by using the Make template option in the runbook settings cog. See our article on creating a template for further assistance.

If you want to merge your templates into an existing template, make sure that the destination template is in a draft (editable) state and is not approved.

Merge Runbooks - things to know

Source Runbooks Filter

Once you have merged a runbook, a new filter will become available in the filter panel on the left-hand side. It is called Source Runbooks and shows the list of runbook titles from your original selection.

Use the filters within this section to see the tasks from each of your original runbooks. Simply, click on the check box next to the runbook name and you will only see the tasks from the selected source runbook(s) appear on the task list.

You can also view the Source Runbook information in the Task Edit panel. Select any of the tasks and then click on the Edit panel on the right hand side, scroll down and you will see the Source Runbook Info section. An example of what it would look like is shown below.

Merged Tasks Dependencies

By default, tasks from each of the original source runbooks will retain their own dependencies and run in parallel of each other. The merged runbook will not change or add any dependencies between each of the source runbook tasks. You will need to edit the dependencies to "join" up the tasks if you want to.

Please see our Add tasks to a runbook article for further information on how to edit task details and dependencies.

Import a Runbook or Template

To import a runbook or template, click on the cog next to the runbook title or template title whilst you are in a runbook or template. Select the Import runbook or Import template option.

A pop up modal will appear. Search for the existing runbook or template you want to import by typing the name of the runbook. Select the runbook from the drop down list and click Next.

The following attributes will be imported into your current runbook:

  • List of streams

  • List of teams

  • No. of tasks

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