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Runbook Views

Learn more about the different types of runbook views

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Written by Cutover Documentation Team
Updated over 4 months ago

There are various ways to view runbooks, tasks, and detailed metrics in your workspace that are easily accessible in your Cutover workspace. In this article, we'll provide a high-level overview of where to view information about your runbooks and workspace.


From the homepage, you are able to view and access the workspaces you are part of, as well as other important runbook data. The below image shows an example of a homepage that includes active and upcoming tasks, as well as runbooks in live and planning mode.

The homepage structure is initially curated by a Workspace Manager and is constructed by arranging sets of customizable table components that can be displayed on all runbooks within your Cutover instance.

A new page can be added by navigating to your Settings > Dashboard Layouts. Click the + sign on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. The new page you create can be visible globally, or for a specific workspace. Click +Create once finished.


The dashboard is a visual representation of the status of the tasks in a runbook. The default dashboard is available for all runbooks and provides information such as task completion summary, completion by stage, and status updates. Additionally listed are milestone tasks, startable tasks, and in-progress tasks. To note, custom dashboards can also be created by workspace managers in Settings > Dashboard Layouts.

The below example is a dashboard that illustrates completed live runs, average runbook duration, completed tasks, and more.

Dashboards can be filtered by run type, run stage, status, date, runbook type, and more. Additionally, you can export or download a dashboard for further viewing or reference.

Post implementation review dashboard

Runbook Admins can assess the strengths and weaknesses of completed runs, and share their observations with other runbook users via the Post Implementation Review dashboard. This dashboard contains reporting components, runbook summary, execution summary, and value realization fields where runbook admins can customize the dashboard before publishing the post implementation review to other runbook users.


Within a runbook, you have the ability to view tasks in nodemap view. In this view, the nodemap will detail all streams in the runbook and the sequence of all tasks. With your mouse or trackpad, you can zoom in or out of the nodemap. Clicking on a task will reveal predecessor and successor tasks, the critical path for the selected task, and an option to edit the task directly within the nodemap, as illustrated below:

Flat lines above a node show a task that has a fixed start. During a live run, the node will depict a task's status— a checkmark for completed tasks, three dots for tasks in progress, a play icon for startable tasks, and no icon for tasks that are not yet startable. Additional things to note about the nodemap are as follows:

  • The runbook's critical path is shown by default as an orange line.

  • Views that do not show tasks on the critical path will not have the orange line.

  • Dotted lines between nodes indicate a gap between one task finishing and another starting. This is subject to change, as a task that is running late can reduce this gap.

Apply filters as needed. Optionally, you also have the ability to use highlight mode, which highlights filtered tasks. Read more about highlight mode in our help center.

Audit log

The Audit Log displays all actions and timings related to a runbook including amendments to a runbook's details, streams, teams, and changes to individual tasks. Access a runbook's audit log by clicking the cog icon next to the runbook or template name > Download Audit Log.

Runbook versions

A new runbook version can be saved by clicking the cog icon next to your runbook title > Save a version. The following actions trigger a new version of a runbook to be created:

  • runbook is paused or cancelled

  • return to planning

  • manually saving a new version

  • runbook merge/runbook import

  • teams csv import

As a result of this, a run may span multiple runbook versions where the plan has been paused and restarted.

Anyone with access to the runbook can view the version history by clicking View version history.

If required, an older runbook version can be restored by a runbook admin by viewing the version required and selecting the restore version link at the toolbar on the bottom of the screen, which then is saved as the new current version. An older version can only be restored if the current version is in planning mode, or in rehearsal complete.

List, timeline, and table view

You can view all runbooks in your workspace at a glance in list, timeline, or table view.

In List view, click Sort (located at the top left of the list) to sort runbooks by last updated, ascending, and descending alphabetical order, or by recently viewed.

Timeline view displays runbooks — both past and upcoming — in calendar view. Any date and scheduled time changes to your runbooks are automatically updated in the timeline.

Note: Runbook templates are not shown in timeline view.

Table view provides a high-level overview of all runbooks, such as runbook duration, completion, run type, and more.

Default view

Runbook admins have the ability to set a default view for all users in a runbook. The default view consists of a set of filtered tasks that are saved and set as the default view for the runbook. When other users in the runbook view the task list, they will see the filtered tasks that have been set as the default. However, the default view filters can be cleared at any time by any user in the runbook.

Things to note:

  • Only runbook admins can set a default view.

  • A runbook can only have one default view at a time. The default view can be changed to any other saved view as needed.

  • When a runbook is duplicated, the default view will be copied into the duplicated runbook.

  • When a runbook is created from a template with a default view, the view will be copied from the template.

Runbook admins can set a default view by following the below steps:

  1. Navigate to your runbook.

  2. In the task list, use the filter tasks icon to apply filters as needed.

  3. Click Save filter. Next, name your saved view.

  4. Click +Create.

  5. Under Saved Filters, click the pin icon next to your saved view to make it the default view.

Once your saved view has been made the default view, it will be visible to all users in the runbook.

Click the pin icon to remove the default view. The saved view will still be available but not as the default view.

Note: Only runbook admins can remove a default view.

All other users can clear the default view by clicking the filter tasks icon > clear all.

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