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Runbook Filtering, Critical Path, & Search
Runbook Filtering, Critical Path, & Search

Learn how to use filters to locate information with ease.

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Written by Cutover Documentation Team
Updated over a week ago

There are many ways you can use filtering to find information easier and faster. In this article, we'll cover how to use various filters within the Cutover platform.


The runbook filter can be accessed via the filter icon located in the left hand pane of a runbook. Once used, the filter exists within the runbook in both dashboard view and task view, and once a selection has been made you can navigate between views and the filters will persist.

Filters can be created spanning multiple criteria: stream, team, task type, date range and other fields. The corresponding tasks will display in the task pane. As filters are applied, the number of tasks vs. total tasks will be displayed in the runbook header.

Saved filters

This saved filters feature enables anyone with access on a task list, or runbook list to create saved filters that are personal to you for use each time you enter that view. This new saved filter can only be seen by you. You will need to click on a filter(s) to see the Save filter option.

When you have selected the filters you want to save, you are given the option to give your filter a name. Add your name and click Create.

Saved filters are listed at the top of the Filters list. Use the pin icon to set the saved filter as the default filter. This is good practise for a filter that is more commonly used.

If you do set a default filter it does make the saved filter visible to everyone. If you prefer not to make this visible to all, you can click on the pin again to remove the default setting and then click on the star icon which then means it is no longer visible.

To remove a filter, just click on the cross netx to the filter name in the filter list.

Note: Any runbook admin can "un-star" a saved filter, and it is removed from everyone's view apart from the user who created it who, if needed, can re-star it again to make global.

Default view

Runbook admins have the ability to set a default view for all users in a runbook. The default view consists of a set of filtered tasks that are saved and set as the default view for the runbook. When other users in the runbook view the task list, they will see the filtered tasks that have been set as the default. However, the default view filters can be cleared at any time by any user in the runbook.

Learn more about default views in our Runbook Views article.

Custom fields filters

If custom fields have been applied on the task list, or runbook, and the settings display in the filter panel, you will only see this custom field if it has values entered. If the custom field has not yet been used, this will not appear in the filter panel.

Searching filters

You can also filter the runbook tasks by entering text in the search bar. To perform a search you must click on the search icon in the runbook header, and enter text into the search box to search the runbook by task title. You should enter at least two characters. Like other filters, this will appear on the runbook header and you can save the search results as a filter. Remove the filter by selecting the 'x' icon next to the Search Query filter.

Critical path

You can also filter the runbook tasks by Critical Path. The critical path is automatically defined by the below factors:

  • The longest scheduled duration path to complete the runbook

  • Longest sequence of tasks to complete a runbook, therefore any delay to any task in that sequence causes the runbook to be delayed

  • It is determined by identifying the longest stretch of dependent activities and measuring the time required to complete them from start to finish

Tasks on the critical path will also show a 'C' in the task list. Furthermore, the nodemap shows the critical path with an orange line.

Furthermore, the nodemap shows the critical path with an orange line.

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