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Single Runbook Dashboard

Find out what a single runbook dashboard is and the components you have available.

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Written by Cutover Documentation Team
Updated over a week ago

A single runbook dashboard (SRD) is located in the Dashboards menu of a runbook. Simply click on the runbook and then select the Dashboard option to see the dashboard page. This dashboard is useful when checking the status of tasks, or when providing updates on overall runbook progress to stakeholders. It provides a real-time status of the runbook and is visible to all users who have access to the runbook. As tasks are updating in your runbook, the dashboard will update instantly without the need to refresh your screen.

A Workspace Manager can customise or add new single runbook dashboards in your workspaces. This can be done in the blue left hand menu, then click Settings at the bottom and choose the Dashboard layout option.

Below is a list of each of the single runbook dashboards available along with their components. Click the links or scroll down to find out more.

  • Dashboard: Provides the most detailed breakdown and overview of your runbook progress, including steam, milestones, and completion data.

  • Exec Summary: Displays runbook RAG status and RAG status message , Task completion summary, Completion by stage, Task completion over time, Comments (only display starred comments).

  • Linked Runbooks: Includes a list of Linked tasks and their completion stage in the parent runbook.

  • Test Summary: Displays a list of Validation task type result summary and a list of validation tasks details.


This dashboard provides the most detailed breakdown and overview of your runbook progress, including a startable and in progress task list, the runbook RAG status and RAG status message, stream, milestones, completion data and comments (only displays starred comments).

Rag Status and Status message

Only visible when a RAG status for the runbook has been selected and a message is added. The RAG status and message is taken from the Runbook Details pane. A Runbook Admin can update the status and add a message. You can also see the last updated date and time along with the name of admin who updated the status.

Task completion summary

The life cycle of all tasks in a runbook is detailed in the task completion summary component.

  • Start:

    • Time and date the current run started.

    • Displayed in the runbook default timezone.

    • The plus or minus sign displayed at the bottom indicates the delta in which the runbook started early or late from the scheduled start time v.s actual start time.

  • Finish:

    • During a run, this will display the automated forecast finish time and date based on the remaining tasks planned duration.

    • The plus or minus sign displayed at the bottom indicates the delta in which the runbook will end early or late from the original planned end time.

  • Duration:

    • During a run, it display total duration of the runbook from start to current time.

Completion by stage

The past and current status of tasks are outlined in this component.

  • The percentage displayed in the middle = % of (Total number of tasks completed, abandoned or skipped) / (total number of runbook tasks).

  • The chart in the middle: Total number of tasks with their different task status.

  • Table on the right:
    A further breakdown of different task statuses and how many of them are running late. The “Late” column is calculated based on the planned start/end of a tasks v.s actual and forecast start (depending on the task status)

    • Completed: The task has been ended (completed tasks will not be calculated as “late”)

    • Complete (abandoned): The number of tasks that have been abandoned, and thus complete.

    • In Progress: The task is currently started but not completed

    • Startable: task dependencies have been met and awaiting assigned teams and users to start the task.

    • Not yet startable: task dependencies have not been met therefore assigned teams and users cannot start the tasks (appears grayed out).

In the event a task is skipped, an additional column will be added to the table, marking the task as complete. The Total column indicates the total number of tasks in each row. The Late column indicates the number of tasks that are late in each row.

Task completion over time - burn up chart

This chart shows the distribution of the number of tasks over the total duration of the runbook so you have visibility of traffic with peaks and troughs of your event.

  • The gray line represents the planned timeline

  • The blue line represents the actual timeline during a run and changes dynamically based on how the runbook is performing and tracking.

Comments (only display starred comments)

Only visible in the dashboard when comments have been starred by the admin in the comment section for the runbook. Displays the task the comments is made against, the commenter, date & time and the full comment.

Stream summary

The stream summary details task progress by stream, as well as the start, finish, and duration of tasks in the stream. When tasks in a stream are in progress, the stream will indicate how many tasks are currently complete or in progress.

  • Title: Name of each streams title in your runbook

  • Progress: How many tasks have been completed, skipped or abandoned / total tasks per stream

  • Start: Actual or forecast start time of the first task in the stream, depending on if the task has been started

  • Finish: Actual or forecast start time of the last task in the stream, depending on if the task has been completed

  • Duration: Total duration of the stream

*The plus or minus sign displayed in each row indicates the delta in which the stream started early or late from the planned start/end time vs actual.

Milestone task list

All milestone tasks in the runbook are captured in the Single Runbook dashboard in its own section to provide visibility. At a quick glance you can see where the event is at currently and how that compares to the original plan.

Milestone tasks that have been completed are indicated by a checkmark icon. Milestone tasks that are startable but not in progress are indicated by the play icon. Milestone tasks that are not yet startable are left blank.

Startable task list

List of tasks where the task dependencies have been met and are now awaiting assigned teams and users to start the task. You can also see the forecast start and finish and planned duration (if applicable).

In Progress task list

List of tasks that have been started but not yet completed. You can also see the forecast start and finish and current elapsed duration.

Note: The task finish time will update when the task has been completed.

Exec Summary

This dashboard displays an executive summary of the completed tasks, task completion summary, completion by stage, and task completion over time. You can also see a RAG status and RAG status message and any comments that have been starred.

For further information on the above components, see the Dashboard section above.

Linked Runbooks

This dashboard includes a list of linked tasks and their completion stage in the parent runbook. The below options are only displayed if your runbook contains Linked task types.

Linked tasks

Same as the Completion by stage components, but configured to display Linked task data only. For further information on the above components, see the Dashboard section above).

Linked tasks list

A list of Linked tasks which provides the start, finish and duration details along with timings on planned v.s actual.

Test Summary

This dashboard displays a summary of validation tasks and details.

Test result field summary

This chart shows the Test result field summary. You can see the total and the percentage of each test result type. Pending shows any tasks currently in progress or not started.

Validation tasks list

This list contains the validation tasks and their start, finish and duration details along with timings on planned v.s actual.

Related articles

Please see our other dashboard articles listed below.

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